Animals being skinned Alive

There is no need to see the video, but if you must, be aware, it's horrible. The following video is of excruciating violence. Its painful silences affect us all deeply. If we don't protect animals from this type of brutality, we become accomplice  THE VIDEO LINK..... AWFUL!

 Please sign and forward to all your contacts - this has to be stopped!!! 

With a hidden camera, animals were filmed being SKINNED ALIVE!!! They say it's done to get a more perfect ''cut''; afterwards the carcasses are tossed  into a pile, still alive, and for up to 10 minutes you can see their hearts still beating, in agony, their eyes still blinking, and the puppies' little  paws still shaking. There was one pup, that still lifted his head and gazed at the camera with bloodied eyes.  If you don't care to see the video, please sign and forward to your friends:  this monstrosity has to be stopped, we have to act now!!

We the undersigned ask that the maximum penalty and punishment be given to anyone and everyone who tortures animals such as this.  This type of crime is cruel, callous and ruthless and far exceeds any punishment available.  Animal abuse must be stopped, once and for all.   We are the voice for those who are  unable to speak!

Thank you for your time and we hope that you appreciate the public outrage and shame over this gruesome act of violence and pray that you will stop it.

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