Campaign Against GLSEN

 Please help to keep our schools safe for our children. 

GLSEN has recommended a reading list for grades 7-12, which details graphic and degrading sexual encounters involving children, many of which also involve adults.  They have created this list under the guise of promoting tolerance for Gay youth.  However, these stories could only have been written to desensitize people to, and to normalize, adult/child sexual relationships.  In other words, they're trying to pass pedophilia and hebephilia off as a normal and acceptable part of homosexuality.  Not only is this bad for the Gay community, but it is detrimental to our children, no matter what their sexual orientation is.

Please read this article, which details excerpts from a randomly selected handful of the books listed in the recommended reading list for children in grades 7-12.  These excerpts are very graphic, and wildly inappropriate for any child no matter the context in which it is presented.  Please keep in mind before following the above link that the excerpts detailed in that article are not appropriate for children.  Use discretion when viewing.

As you read those excerpts, keep in mind that all of the books and videos recommended by GLSEN for our children to view and read have been pre-screened by GLSEN staff.

The "literature" that is recommended by GLSEN for children to read depicts the sexual exploitation of children as an integral part of the coming of age of Gay men (and Lesbians, in some cases).  The very stories that GLSEN are recommending for our children to read will do nothing but reinforce old stereotypes about the Gay community.  They paint a hopeless picture for Gay youth that they are doomed to a life of anonymous and degrading bathroom and rest-stop sex, that they have no hope of becoming part of a healthy, committed relationship.  These same stereotypes are also what are preventing broader support of gay marriage and adoption.

Not surprising at all is the fact that pro-pedophile activists have been voicing their support for GLSEN.  Why would a group of activists who are fighting for the "rights" of adults to engage children in sexual activity also support an organization that is supposedly set up to protect childrenIt's because they believe that what this group is doing will ultimately help their cause.

How many people would support an organization that recommended our teen daughters read books suggesting that they meet strange adult men for sex through a classified ad, have sex with strangers in bathrooms, have an affair with a teacher, or become a prostitute in order to boost their self esteem and have "empowering" sexual experiences?  Why should we feel any differently about our Gay youth?

It's also interesting to note that, with all the suggested reading material that so graphically describes various sexual situations, there isn't mention of "safe sex" anywhere on GLSEN's website.

We need to let GLSEN, the Department of Education, and those who are paid to teach our children know that it is not OK for them to even recommend such reading material for our children.  We need to let America's Gay youth know that there are healthy ways for them to express themselves that don't involve allowing themselves to be exploited, and that they don't have to be a stereotype.  We need to let GLSEN know that the degradation and sexual exploitation of children will never be the way to make them safe.  And we need to let politicians know that we will not support them if they support such groups.
We the undersigned would like to make clear our intent to fight any and all connections that organizations like GLSEN have with publicly funded schools.  We want to make it clear that, as long as GLSEN is promoting the sexualization, degradation, and exploitation of our children, we do not wish them to be funded by our tax dollars.  We do not believe that allowing children to read sexually graphic material is the best way to promote tolerance or safety.  We do not believe that children should be exposed to sexually graphic "literature" that depicts adult/child sex, prostitution, and sexual degradation and exploitation.

Please know that our votes in upcoming elections will speak for us in this matter.  We will not vote for any politician that takes so lightly the health, safety, and general well-being of America's children.
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