Stop Disney From Revamping their Animated Classics into Live Action Films

  • ontvanger: Disney

Since 2010, Disney has been rebooting/remaking several of their animated properties as live action films starting with Alice in Wonderland, then came Maleficent, Cinderella, The Jungle BookBeauty & the BeastDumboAladdin, and The Lion King. Personally, I'm not on board with this at all because given all the companies that Disney already owns such as LucasFilm, Marvel, and Pixar, do they really need to make extra money by revamping some of their older titles? I don't think so because they should leave all of their animated classics alone.

While Disney already has more live action remakes/reboots on the way such as Mulan, The Little Mermaid, and The Hunchback of Notre Dame, I think we should try to make them quit while they're ahead. While audiences may want to see them, do they really NEED to see them? The previous live action revampings may have earned Disney over a billion dollars, but I think they should stay more focused on new stories that they haven't produced yet.

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