Save Critically Endangered Sumatran Elephants From Extinction!

  • van: Eric Rardin
  • ontvanger: Siti Nurbaya Bakar, Indonesian Minister of Environment and Forestry

A critically endangered Sumatran elephant was recently murdered for its tusks!

Add your name if you want to to protect these precious animals before they're gone forever!

"A Sumatran elephant was found decapitated with its tusks ripped off in an apparent poaching of the critically endangered subspecies, an Indonesian conservation official said," according to France24.

They went on to say: "The elephant's head had been cut off and its severed trunk was found a meter away from the body," chief of the local conservation agency Suharyono, who goes by one name, said in a statement."

Less than 2,800 of these magnificent animals remain in the world...

And they are facing threats on multiple fronts.

"Rampant deforestation has reduced the species' natural habitat and brought them into increasing conflict with humans, while their tusks are prized in the illegal wildlife trade," said the same article.

If this tragic trend continues, these majestic creatures could soon go extinct. Unless you do something to help.

In South Africa's Kruger National Park rhino poaching is down by 90%, thanks to the efforts of anti-poaching teams who patrol the region, according to LAD Bible.

That's why we're calling on Indonesia to study the methods used in South Africa, and implement them in their own country to protect their few remaining elephants.

Don't you want to stop this cruel, heartless practice of slaughtered critically endangered Sumatran elephants for their ivory?

Then add your name to ask Siti Nurbaya Bakar, the Indonesian Minister of Environment and Forestry, to introduce legislation that would enable strong anti-poaching efforts in the forests where Sumatran elephants live, before it's too late to save the species!

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