Stronger punishment and a National Animal Abuse Listing for all abusers

Right now, they have weak punishment now and no follow through. They are also releasing abusers from their jail terms due to overcrowding, which amounts to a slap on the hand for torturing, or murdering another innocent, helpless creature. Abusers are allowed to aquire animals to torture, over and over. They kill one, buy another. I would love to see an Animal Abuse List. Abusers get mandatory listing, and are denied the PRIVILEGE of ever having another animal in their posession. This listing is MANDATORY for ALL abusers. Lists their method of abuse, what type of animals they abuse. That way everyone knows who not to sell an animal, or allow to adopt, and if a group of animals go missing in an area, authorities know who to check out first. We are responsible to protect animals. They are innocent and helpless.
Update #29 jaar geleden
Hello people, please keep passing this petition around the country. We all can cause a change together
Update #19 jaar geleden
Let's go people, 6 months for killing an innocent life is Not enough. Letting them do it over and over has to stop. "A Countries maturity can be measured in the way it treats it's animals" The innocent, and helpless creatures depend on us.
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