End Neck Banding and Harm to Canada Goose

    Canada Goose at Stewart Park in Ithaca, New York have been neck banded as part of a project to “harm, haze, and harass” Canada Goose to force their numbers down at the park. As part of this malevolent agenda, some birds have been neck banded. The city has not significantly responded to the local’s requests to leave the birds in peace, and it is unclear if their program; which included harming by oiling mothers’ eggs, scaring them off the land by various means, sterilizing female goose, and so on; was discontinued. However, I have taken the time to watch banded goose and have witnessed that these bands limit the bending of goose necks. They cut into the throats of goose attempting to bend to the ground to eat; causing unnatural eating and movement postures. It is clear that the neck bands are closely secured around their necks like chokers, are uncomfortable, and cause pain.
    Canada Goose who are neck banded do not eat or bend their necks as frequently as birds who do not have these bands on their necks. They tend to lose weight and have slower movements.
    This inhumane practice must end, and we, the undersigned, would like the City if Ithaca and all leaders responsible for the sorry condition of these birds to make neck banding illegal for all birds and to stop the practice of neck banding the Canada Goose in Stewart Park; removing any neck bands on the birds as soon as possible. This week would be nice. Thank you in advance for your compassionate actions in favor of our wildlife.
    Update #15 jaar geleden
    Dear Canada Goose Supporters,

    The petition you signed to end neck banding at Stewart Park has reached 123 people. This is a modest number of signatures, but still enough to make an impact. I will let you know if any changes are made in favor of our beloved birds. So far, the neck bands are still on them. Thank you very, very much for signing! For now, the signing period for this petition has ended.

    With Appreciation,

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