Please sign and share this petition in an effort to get the State of Michigan to create and pass a law against aggressive dogs that have any history of injury and attacks to humans. In 2012 exotic dogs known as Cane Corsos or Italian-mastiff breed attacked a jogger Ms. Smith because the dogs are known to run free in the area. Now another person was attacked by the same dogs and died from his injuries. These animals should have been taken off of the streets and handled humanely so they could not harm another person.
A 45-year old man chose to have ownership of some Cane Corsos Italian-mastiff type dogs, all of which are large, under five and with an aggressive nature. Rather than keeping the animals restrained due to their harsh personality, these animals are often seen roaming the streets of Lapeer County in Lansing, Michigan. As a result, a young woman, Ms. April Smith was attacked while on a jog. After that incident, nothing happened.
After the that attack, there was a recent reoccurrence where a man, Craig Sytsma, 46 died from being attacked by two of these dogs as he too was jogging. “It’s just crazy to me,” Smith said. “Animal control should have done something. It should have never gone this far. The fact this has led to a death, it’s sickening."
The Cane Corsos is an exotic breed of dogs bred to hunt wild boar in their native Italy — along a quiet, dirt road in rural Metamora Township, just north of the Oakland County line. Despite the first attack by these animals, the man was never charged from owning these dogs as he let them roam free and having them removed from his "care". Now authorities are claiming to remove the dogs and destroy them after they have attacked - twice, killing one of the victims.
No one wants to see an animal destroyed and most do not blame the dogs themselves but the owners. This owner, if he wanted such a breed in his neighborhood, he should have taken the precautions for the safety of the animals and society. However, when an animal causes harm to a human just once, there needs to be better repercussions to ensure it cannot happen again. If there was such a law, enforced, Mr. Sytsma would still be alive today.
Please sign and share this petition in an effort to get the State of Michigan to create and pass a law against aggressive dogs that have any history of injury and attacks to humans. In 2012 exotic dogs known as Cane Corsos or Italian-mastiff breed attacked a jogger Ms. Smith because the dogs are known to run free in the area. Now another person was attacked by the same dogs and died from his injuries. These animals should have been taken off of the streets and handled humanely so they could not harm another person.
Michigan State Legislators - Please consider implementing some specific laws against animal attacks with definite repercussions. If such a law was in place, a man like Mr. Sytsma would not have lost his life. These dogs have natural aggressive tendencies due to their ancestry and the owner should have been more responsible in keeping them restrained and off the streets. After attacking a jogger the first time, nothing was done and the animals were walking around only to attack again with deadly consequences. Please do something to stop these issues. Laws need to be created and enforced that would first make the owner held accountable, and secondly to handle the animals in a humane manner so that they cannot hurt anyone else! This is terrible and there never should have been a repeat assault!!
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