Following Judge Robert Altham's convicting of three anti-fracking activists; Simon Blevins, 26, Richard Roberts, 36, and Richard Loizou, 31, over their demonstration at a Cuadrilla site (these activists who were sentenced are a teacher, a piano restorer and a soil scientist respectively).
It has come to light that the Judge, Judge Robert Altham has a family connection to Jane Altham who runs a family business JC Altham and Sons, a specialist supplier to offshore oil and gas platforms; including 3 owned by Centrica which invests heavily in Cuadrilla and whose name also appeared on a letter urging Lancashire County Council to back the Cuadrilla site.
The Judge would appear to have a very apparent conflict of interest. Therefore we are urging the High Court to overturn the sentences already given or immediately hold an for the appeal to provide a fairer hearing to their case.
There may be a case where this ruling has been in violation of a Solicitors Regulation Code of Conduct.
I am calling for those who are angered by the Judges ruling which seems to be bias and exemplifies a conflect of interest to immediately be investigated by the Law Society and even Parliament and the Court of Appeal to urgently review this Judge's sentence.