Windex: Advertise Bird Savers Instead of Making Light of Birds Hitting Windows

  • van: Mika S.
  • ontvanger: S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.

Every year, millions of birds lose their lives flying into windows. And for years, Windex, owned by the "family company" S.C. Johnson, has shown advertisements that include birds humorously worried about running into Windex-cleaned windows. Their latest commercial, an "official message" from Windex, continues this offensive running "joke."

We appeal to this "family company" to use their advertising platform to showcase Bird Savers or other items designed to help save birds from this fate. Most people do not know that these items exist, or that this is a true problem for birds. The company could help save the lives of these birds, a much more positive message that still advertises their product's effectiveness without crude humor.

Every year, millions of birds lose their lives flying into windows. And for years, Windex, owned by the "family company" S.C. Johnson, has shown advertisements that include birds humorously worried about running into Windex-cleaned windows. Their latest commercial, an "official message" from Windex, continues this offensive running "joke." 

We appeal to this "family company" to use their advertising platform to showcase Bird Savers or other items designed to help save birds from this fate. Most people do not know that these items exist, or that this is a true problem for birds. The company could help save the lives of these birds, a much more positive message that still advertises their product's effectiveness without crude humor.

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