Please, Help to Stop Slaughtering of Homeless Dogs and Cats in Russia!!!

Millions of homeless animals (mostly dogs and cats) are being brutally killed by so-called "dog hunters" in Russia. They are shot, poisoned, beaten, even in presence of little kids. People who torture them, put pictures on their website because they are proud of their crimes against innocent animals. There is no justification for this. Please, help us to make the difference and stop this sensless slaughter of animals. This is insane! Something has to be done to stop this. Dog hunters must be stopped and punished. They are sick people (if they can be called people), and they enjoy doing those evil things. They also teach their children that it's ok to do that. Please, help to protect the basic rights of dogs and cats. They need our help! Russian Government should get involved and create a national programm with a budget directed to dealing with the animal problem humanely. Stray animals should be neutered or spayed and put up for adoption.

As mentioned in another petition by Les DEFENSEURS des Animaux du Monde Entier "We want Russia to be a civilized country, not the land of injustice where the most helpless creatures – animals – are not protected by the Law. We want the Russian society to be the power to fight against indifference and cruelty. We appeal to all animal defenders of the world – support us! In Russia there are many people who love animals and protect them, but the government does not care. The Russian government approves the cruel massacre of stray animals.

We demand from the Russian government and federal authorities to adopt the Law for animal protection! We demand the problem with stray animals to be solved by humane means: building shelters, neutering, chipping, vaccination of stray animals. We demand the cruelty to be stopped and its propaganda to be banned!  We are trying to change Russian people’s attitude towards animals, but without the Law it is impossible.

Anyone who loves animals – please, join us! Animals have no nationality. They need your help!"

Update #111 jaar geleden
Thank you all so much for your support. I forwarded this petition to Russian President Putin. I really hope that together we can improve the animals welfare in Russia. Thanks.
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