Demand Walmart Stop Using Pork Suppliers Which Use Cruel Gestation Crates

Mercy for Animals recently released a new undercover video revealing astounding cruelties to pigs and piglets at the West Coast Farms in Oklahoma. At the time of the investigation, West Coast Farms supplied pork to Tyson Foods and to Walmart. Tyson has since cut ties with this supplier because of this video, but Walmart has not. This is, in fact, the fourth time Mercy for Animals has uncovered a Walmart pork supplier shamefully abusing pigs.

One of the consistently abusive practices Walmart pork suppliers employ is the use of gestation crates for breeding pigs. Please sign this petition asking Walmart CEO Mike Duke to do what over 60 other restaurants and grocery chains have already done -- stop using pork suppliers who still use cruel pig gestation crates.

Dear Mr. Duke:

Those who have signed this petition, like many other members of the public, were distressed and saddened to see the recently released video from Mercy for Animals. The video documented horrific abuse of pigs and piglets at one of your suppliers, West Coast Farms.

That video reminds us that, unlike at least 60 other major grocery chains and restaurants, Walmart has not made the decision to eliminate from its supply chain the pork producers which still use cruel gestation crates. For pigs, which are intelligent and social animals, living in a gestation crate for much or all of their lives is simply inhumane. It's like living your entire life in an airplane seat or a phone booth.

Please reconsider this position and refuse to use suppliers who still employ the antiquated gestation crate for breeding pigs. Until you do, consumers will look elsewhere for their pork products.

We thank you for giving this matter the attention it deserves.

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