URGENT Keep fox hunting banned!

Fox hunting is an extremely cruel and barbaric sport, which sees More than 20,000 foxes a year literally ripped apart by hounds after being dug out of their dens and chased for hours. If the fox hunting ban is lifted, it could result in the extinction of the red fox in later years. Although the red fox numbers are stable, due to hunting their numbers could rapidly reduce in later years. There are a lot of good reasons why fox hunting, IF bought back will cause disaster. For example, although many People see foxes as pests due to their destructive habits and their "annoying" calls that wake you up in the night, The foxes Actually do prove useful for us humans in many ways. they keep the proper pest's numbers down like mice and rats that eat our vegetables, scare of birds that we like to feed (which also reduces the number of wild flowers that are mostly created by birds) Which sees a decline in the bee population. Plus by killing rodents, the foxes are disposing off the diseases that come along with them. So you see by killing even one fox you are screwing up the population of other creatures. By hunting foxes we are making it so that The numbers of pests among our cities Will creep up and we will be creating more orphans due to the Cub's mothers being killed, This in turn isn't good for wildlife rehabilitation centres, because most of their time and much needed funds will be taken up by orphaned Cubs or injured foxes that have managed to escape. Plus the hounds used to hunt the foxes are mostly mistreated by there owners and are badly injured and scarred from the foxes trying to escape. This sport is unimaginably cruel and barbaric, the foxes are frightened and most of the time are unable to escape and are viciously ripped apart. The killing is slow and the animal dies in the most horrific pain. This sport was BANNED for a reason, let's keep it banned!

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