Oliver Queen is lucky to be alive. The young cat was found at someone's house in Richland County, Ohio with
an arrow piercing straight through its body. The arrowhead missed his heart by a few inches. If that had happened, the story would likely have ended there — another tragic story of an abused cat found dead.
But luckily, the homeowner knew just what to do. They called animal rescue who quickly showed up to give Oliver the treatment he needed. Luckily Oliver had no desire to give up.
The arrow — which vets say had been there for at least a few days — had narrowly missed his vital organs and spine. With a little help, he should recover.
But that still leaves authorities missing one protagonist in this horrible story — the person who shot Oliver Queen with the arrow in the first place.
Whoever it is is likely a danger to other pets and perhaps even people. People who commit violence against animals are likely to move on to humans. This potentially dangerous menace must be found and taken off the streets.
Sign the petition and tell the Bellville Police Department you want them to do everything they can to find the person who shot Oliver Queen.