Since I first started this petition the world has been made aware of the horrific torture case of Kiya, first known to us as “Puppy Doe”.
Puppy Doe will forever be a symbol of the horror a human can inflict upon an innocent animal, I am therefore renaming this “Remembrance Day” in her memory.
Please join me in marking March 12th annually as
“Puppy Doe” Day,
A Special Remembrance Day for ALL the Animal Victims of Human Abuse.
Animals give us so much joy and yet there are those who are so violent and uncaring towards them. This day of contemplation/prayer or whatever you will, is to honor those animals that have suffered in their hands.
Let the world know that Puppy Doe will not be forgotten!
Forms of abuse: Factory Farming, Experimentation Laboratories, Hunting, Neglect, Crush Videos, Starvation, Fur Trade, Organized Fighting, Fishing, Slaughterhouses, Dairy Industry, Egg Industry, Racing, Electric Shock Collars, Declawing of Cats, Tail Docking, Ear Docking, Circuses, Other Entertainment Industry, Fireworks, Bestiality, Police Shootings, Smuggling, Vehicle Dragging, Overcrowding, Euthanasia, Rodeo, Mutilation, Torture, Burning, Abandonment, Household & Street Abuse, Whale & Dolphin Hunting, Seal Bashing, Puppy Mills, Fracking, Maiming, and so many other unspeakable forms of abuse
Factory Farming, Experimentation Laboratories, Hunting, Neglect, Crush Videos, Starvation, Fur Trade, Organized Fighting, Fishing, Slaughterhouses, Dairy Industry, Egg Industry, Racing, Electric Shock Collars, Declawing of Cats, Tail Docking, Ear Docking, Circuses, Other Entertainment Industry, Fireworks, Bestiality, Police Shootings, Smuggling, Vehicle Dragging, Overcrowding, Euthanasia, Rodeo, Mutilation, Torture, Burning, Abandonment, Household & Street Abuse, Whale & Dolphin Hunting, Seal Bashing, Puppy Mills, Fracking, Maiming, and so many other unspeakable forms of abuse
Honorable Ban Ki Moon
Secretary General
United Nations, New York
Dear Mr Secretary General
We the undersigned are respectfully requesting that the United Nations officially dedicate
MARCH 12th as
Puppy Doe Day
A Special Remembrance Day for Animal Victims of Human Abuse
The horrific torture and abuse of animals around the world is not restricted to any one nation.
Many years ago, certain groups of humans suffered at the hands of others, primarily due to racism and sexism, most certainly due to ignorance. Civilised people now consider this repugnant and we believe that in generations to come SPECIESISM will be viewed the same way.
Please be the leading force in revolutionising the thinking of humans and allowing us to mark this date officially.
Kind regards
Animal Lovers across the World
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