An anti-wildlife and anti-conservation bill, HR 2578, seeks to overturn protections of the Endangered Species Act, the Wilderness Act and the National Environmental Policy Act.
One provision in the bill would be especially disasterous to the Arizona jaguar and may mean extinction of the big cat. The bill seeks to waive Endangered Species Act protections within 100 miles of our borders.
Jaguars are known to be far ranging. Movements of 500 miles have been recorded. The Arizona Jaguar (Panthera onca arizonensis) ranges from Southern Arizona and New Mexico to Sonora, Mexico. Removing protections near the border would cause a crises for this species, as well as other wildlife species that travel between the two countries in seach of food prey and of mates.
For jaguars to thrive or even to persist in Arizona, a few modest needs must be met. They must be protected from being killed. They must have an adequate prey base. And they must have movement corridors to connect with source populations in northern Mexico.
Tell your Representatives to OPPOSE HR 2578. Contact your Senators
An anti-wildlife and anti-conservation bill, HR 2578, seeks to overturn protections of the Endangered Species Act, the Wilderness Act and the National Environmental Policy Act.
One provision in the bill would be especially disasterous to the Arizona jaguar and may mean extinction of the big cat. The bill seeks to waive Endangered Species Act protections within 100 miles of our borders.
Jaguars are known to be far ranging. Movements of 500 miles have been recorded. The Arizona Jaguar (Panthera onca arizonensis) ranges from Southern Arizona and New Mexico to Sonora, Mexico. Removing protections near the border would cause a crises for this species, as well as other wildlife species that travel between the two countries in seach of food prey and of mates.
For jaguars to thrive or even to persist in Arizona, a few modest needs must be met. They must be protected from being killed. They must have an adequate prey base. And they must have movement corridors to connect with source populations in northern Mexico.
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