Cruel animal hoardings

  • van: Gwenda Worosz
  • ontvanger: WWF, UN General Secretary, President United Nations, President of the United States

There has been a case of severe hoarding condition in Louisville where 78 animals were found out from a single home containing dogs, puppies and cats. This is not the only reported case, there were many other independent cases on a smaller scale but nevertheless there have been cases like that which not requires immediate attention but also some measures need to be taken so that such cases won't happen further in future.
Those who may not understand importance of the situation needs to know that out of 78 animals found from one home, many were in serious dilapidating conditions, suffering from severe conditions of mange, eye infections and parasites. These animals need all the help they can get.

Gwenda Worosz - Graphic Artist at AbsolutelyDecor

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