Saved and Sensible, Not Supersized

Say NO to a proposal for an oversize development next to Heather Farm Park. Let's join together to ask that this 30-acre piece of Walnut Creek's natural heritage is saved from over-development.  

To stay informed and updated you MUST either go to our website and enter your email address OR send an email to (You are NOT automatically added to our email distribution list by signing the petition.)

(NOTE! We have also collected signatures on paper, so the total number of signatures are greater than shown here!) 

A developer (website: wants the county to change their General Plan to allow a massive compound of multi-story buildings in an undeveloped area next to Heather Farm Park. Sign the petition to ask the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors to deny the developer's application for a land use designation change.  

Visit Save Seven Hills Ranch to learn of efforts to preserve this property for now and future generations; to ask for a better plan. 

Update #13 jaar geleden
Think of us on Giving Tuesday. You can make a tax-deductible contribution to support Save Seven Hills Ranch. Go to our website,, to donate and help bring about a better plan for Seven Hills Ranch. Sensible, not Supersized.
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