Shut Down Japanese Owl Cafes!

Trendy owl cafes ("fukurou cafes" in Japanese) have sprung up in Tokyo. Along with owl-themed food and drink, these cafes house live owls and sometimes let customers touch them if accompanied by a staff member. These cafes are especially popular, as Tokyo apartments often forbid pets, and city-dwelling customers seek a connection with nature.

Owls are quiet, nocturnal creatures who need wide spaces to fly and hunt prey. Keeping them in a noisy cafe and allowing them to be handled strips them of their dignity and ignores their natural instincts. Please sign the petition to convince the Tokyo Government to shut down these cafes and release the owls to an appropriate park or wildlife sanctuary.

As you may know, fukurou cafes have sprung up in Tokyo. These cafes house live owls and sometimes let customers touch them if accompanied by a staff member. These cafes are especially popular, as Tokyo apartments often forbid pets, and city-dwelling customers seek a connection with nature.

Owls are quiet, nocturnal creatures who need wide spaces to fly and hunt prey. Keeping them in a noisy cafe and allowing them to be handled strips them of their dignity and ignores their natural instincts. We respectfully urge you to shut down these cafes and release the owls to an appropriate park or wildlife sanctuary.

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