Shut Down Mega Farm Where Cattle Were Beaten, Lamed and Abused!

"Wetherspoon, Tesco and Lidl have banned beef sourced from a concrete mega farm amid evidence of appalling cruelty and abuse," reported the Daily Mail.

We should not have to rely on industry to enforce ethics. Let's demand the UK government back them up and shut down this hellhole!

Add your name if you want to put this horrible farm out of business, before any more defenseless animals suffer!

"Cattle reared in sheds on the US-style factory farm suffered severe lameness, making it painful and difficult to walk.

"Secret filming showed stockmen beating and abusing the animals at the unit, which operates from concrete-floor lots rather than green fields in a so-called 'zero grazing' system.

"One violently threw a bucket at the head of a young bull sending him crashing to the floor.

"Workers are heard discussing the poor state of the animals, suggesting that in the past some had been 'dying left right and centre'.

"The images were captured at Berryfields Farm, Daventry, which is understood to rear more than 4,000 bull calves a year," according to the same source.

We're calling on Chris Loder, MP to do the right thing and spearhead a movement in the UK Parliament to shut down this hellish farm once and for all!

It doesn't matter if you don't live in the UK, your signature can still make a difference.

Don't you want to stop this gruesome torture of defenseless cattle?

Then add your name to help shut down Berryfields farms forever!

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