Earth Balance: Please remove palm oil from all of your products!

Species like the orangutan, clouded leopards, Javan and Sumatran rhinos are being wiped off the face of our planet largely because of the palm oil industry. Entire habitats have been destroyed, because of the demand for this cheap oil, which is widely produced in Southeast Asia. In most cases, palm oil is cultivated by using slash and burn agriculture methods - which essentially is the process of burning down large areas of forest to make room for agricultural crops (DEFORESTATION). In return, animals get killed or isolated from their conspecifics (same species), completely destroying their populations and hindering their ability to recover.

We want you, Earth Balance, to obtain a certified RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) label on all products that contain palm oil to prove that you are using sustainable palm oil sources, or remove palm oil from your products all together.

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