Ban Veal Crates In Virginia

  • van: Josephine D
  • ontvanger: Jennifer Wexton and Tim Kaine

Hi I am Josephine. I am working to ban veal crates in Virginia. Veal crates are the horrible crates male calves are kept in before slaughter. Veal crates are so small animals can't even turn around. Calves are chained by their necks so their muscles don't develop properly while kept in veal crates.There is no excuse for this animal abuse. Please help me ban veal crates in Virginia by signing this petition. I want to bring the signatures to Representative Jennifer Wexton and Senator Tim Kaine, to ask them to sponsor legislation to do this. 

Update #56 jaar geleden
WE DID IT!!! Thank you to everyone who supported the petition.
Josephine ❤️🐄
Update #46 jaar geleden
We are so close!!! Thank you all for signing. I sent the letter to Barbara Comstock yesterday and hopefully she will introduce this legislation.
Update #36 jaar geleden
I am overwhelmed with the amount of support the petition has received. Thank you so much for signing!
Update #27 jaar geleden
I am so, SO glad we have 223 signers! Please share the petition on Facebook or other social media sights so we can get more signatures. Once I reach my goal of 1,000 signatures I will write the letter to a Virginia representative. Thank you so much!
Update #17 jaar geleden
I am so SO happy we have 200 signatures. If the animals had a voice, they would say thank you. Keep up the good work everyone! GO VEGAN!
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