Tell ‘Café Nuovo’ restaurant to STOP selling Faroe Islands salmon!

  • van: Maura Kelley
  • ontvanger: Demetrios Kriticos, owner at Cafe Nuovo

Café Nuovo, a popular 'upscale' restaurant in Providence, RI, advertises its menu offering of Faroe Islands salmon as "Special", but - Buying and selling Faroe Island salmon supports their economy and indirectly - the mass slaughtering of 1600+ whales and dolphins annually in the Faroe Islands.

Café Nuovo states on their website they are well known for offering the finest raised salmon in the world.

Faroe Islands salmon are raised in the same fjords that contain the blood of tortured and barbarically slain whales and dolphins in 'the Grind', nearly 1700 annually.

Whales and dolphins are highly intelligent, sensitive and social creatures, highly attached and loyal to their family members – these marine mammals will not leave an injured family member; they are known to physically bring the injured or dying to the surface in order to breathe.

During these mass slaughters, pilot whales and dolphins are forced to swim in the sea of blood of their murdered family members until they themselves are gaffed and violently dragged and then stabbed to death.

Chief medical officers and scientists have declared pilot whale meat unsafe for human consumption due to mercury and other toxins.

The Faroe Islands are a territory of Denmark, a region that holds one of the highest standards of living in Europe, and while there is a ban on whaling in these waters per international law (IWC) Denmark protects the Grind through a small loophole.

Ask Café Nuovo to stand up for humane treatment of animals by stopping their sales of Faroese salmon - as other major restaurants & food companies have already done - until the hideous pain-filled cetacean massacres end in the Faroe Islands.

Update #16 jaar geleden
Thank you all so much for signing & sharing this petition. Upon receipt of the information about the mass slaughter of pilot whales and dolphins in the Faroe Islands, Mr. Dimitri Kriticos, Owner of Cafe Nuovo very kindly responded, saying their restaurant would no longer offer Faroe Islands salmon on its menu. If you have the opportunity to call and thank them, or write, the contact is below:
One Citizens Plaza
Providence, RI 02903
(401) 421-2525
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