• van: Laura Trabosh
  • ontvanger: Mark Zuckerberg, Chairman and CEO of Facebook, Inc.

Wildlife is one of our most precious commodities. They are imperative to the ecosystem. If we do not protect them, where will we end up?

The facebook page "Rack 'em Up", glorifies killing some of the most endangered species.
The photos are beyond graphic. They promote killing. And this page must be removed!
Almost every photo depicts slaughtered wildlife. I would say many of them...are OVERKILL.

Where will we end up as a human race if all the wildlife is killed off? Murdered for sport?

Hunting is NOT a sport. Sports are where BOTH sides agree to the rules of engagement.
Animals belong here. We must support those who protect wildlife, NOT the ones who promote slaughter of the innocent.

Murder should NOT be glorified. Killing any living creature should not be hailed as an "American way of life". Putting babies next to freshly killed animals is appauling!

I reported this page to Facebook and they said they would not take it down. I was told to read the "Community Standards". So...I did.

See if you agree with me, that this photo and many many more on their site are glorifying violence towards animals.
Here is a quote from Facebook...
"Facebook has long been a place where people turn to share their experiences and raise awareness about issues important to them. Sometimes, those experiences and issues involve graphic content that is of public interest or concern, such as human rights abuses or acts of terrorism. In many instances, when people share this type of content, it is to condemn it. HOWEVER, graphic images shared for sadistic effect or to CELEBRATES or GLORIFY violence HAVE NO PLACE on our site."

They said it! I didn't. THIS cl;early celebrates AND glorifies violence against animals.

PLEASE shut down this page for showing graphic violence towards animals!


Mark Zuckerberg, Chairman and CEO of Facebook

Mr. Zuckerberg,

I am asking you to shut down the facebook page called, "Rack 'em up".

The reason I am petitioning you is this:

The graphic violence depicted towards wildlife is disturbingly haunting.

Piles of dead carcass. Smiles on the faces of the people who murdered them in cold blood.
Killing wildlife should NOT be hailed as a "Way of life", a "sport". For it is NOT a sport.
If it were, the rules would be known by ALL players. These are unsuspecting animals wanting to LIVE. They have every right to be here as do we.

I want to send a message to Facebook users. I want YOU to send a message that YOU will not tolerate violence on a social network YOU created.

 I reported this page to Facebook and was told they would not take it down. I was told to read the "Community Standards". So...I did.

See if you agree with me, that this photo and many many more on their site are glorifying violence towards animals.

Here is a quote from Facebook...

"Facebook has long been a place where people turn to share their experiences and raise awareness about issues important to them. Sometimes, those experiences and issues involve graphic content that is of public interest or concern, such as human rights abuses or acts of terrorism. In many instances, when people share this type of content, it is to condemn it. HOWEVER, graphic images shared for sadistic effect or to CELEBRATES or GLORIFY violence HAVE NO PLACE on our site."

I am asking you, PLEASE shutdown this page and send that message. Loud and clear.
Violence of any kind will not be tolerated!

Thank you for your time and attention in this important matter.

Update #111 jaar geleden
I just got notification from Facebook that 7 of the 10 photos I reported HAVE been taken down!
At first they said the photos DID NOT go against "community standards"....but they REVERSED their decision!
YOU are doing this!!! Together...you and I united as one...globally we can fight for change!!
You too can report photos! Read the Community Standards for Facebook and if it goes AGAINST THEIR STANDARDS...REPORT!!
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