Time to evolve as humans ~ We demand a Worldwide Animal Revolution.

  • van: Animal Rescue Crusade
  • ontvanger: All presidents, All Prime Ministers and All governmental bodies of the world.

We demand a Worldwide change for all animals/non human sentient beings.

This is a Worldwide Petition to All Presidents, All Prime Ministers and ALL governing bodies of the world.  

We are serious about an animal revolution/liberation that will put an end to ALL forms of animal cruelty. 

We are taking a stand for animals. We demand harsher penalties and new laws to end ANIMAL CRUELTY worldwide!
Take the pledge..  

"I stand for love and respect for all of earths sentient beings. I am taking a stand against the cruelty, suffering, abuse and exploitation of animals for food, clothing, religious sacrifices/cultural traditions, hunting/poaching, live export, animal testing/vivisection, entertainment/sport. I stand against any and all forms of mistreatment of sentient beings.  I understand that we share this planet together and these global atrocities can no longer be ignored." 

We are people joining together from different countries, races, religions and beliefs who have love, compassion and moral obligation in common to end cruelty for all sentient beings.                    

Our goal is 1,000 000 voices for those without a choice.
It's time to evolve as a species. It's time for change! 
Update #110 jaar geleden

We are people joining together from different countries, races, religions and beliefs who have love, compassion and moral obligation in common to end cruelty for all sentient beings.
Let's change the world we live in. For a kinder world for animals. Please sign and share.
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