Closing the loophole in the McKittrick Policy

  • van: Teresa Evans
  • ontvanger: United States Department of Justice and The US Attorney General

For 16 years, there has been a lack of persecution on behalf of many California Condor's, Grizzly Bears, Wolves and other wildlife due to the "Loophole" in the McKittrick Policy that requires PROOF that a hunter has knowingly targeted an endangered animal. Recently, Echo, a collared Gray Wolf was slain mistakenly as a coyote. Unless the hunter is PROVEN to knowingly have targeted this wolf, who was collared, He will go free from persecution of killing protected wildlife. We need to close this loophole in this policy. Our endangered animals should be protected BEFORE they are no more. Take a stand with me so that the slaying of protected wildlife does not go unpunished. Change the McKittrick Policy.

Update #110 jaar geleden
As of December 23, 2014, 3,484 wolves have been slaughtered in just six states.

Gray wolves in the western Great Lakes region are once again protected by the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA), following a federal court ruling. The decision ends wolf hunting and trapping in Minnesota, Wyoming and Wisconsin.

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