STOP KILLING ✋️ Shelters Clinics

    Innocent Animals must stop dying by the Humans that put them here in first place! It is Humans responsibility to protect Animals and care for them.
    Euthanasia is a costly taxed solution that is endless. We need to stop the rotating doors and chasing tails.

    1 No Killing solutions programs
    2 We need Tax covered Rehabilitation programs of care and health for stray and sheltered Animals .
    3 Training
    Shelters Vets to provide
    4 Public Vets to help and give discounts for shelter and rescued ,Animals also help for families in need.
    5 Foster help or and Day Care help so people can keep their Animals and not shelter them.
    6 More Animal Friendly Freedom
    8 Shelter Staff and Vets to tend care while in shelter part of Rehabilitation to rehome. No Animal should sit and suffer.
    8 Laws need to be followed! Any Animal Control and All officers are to take action and arrested abusers, investigate to find abusers. No persons leaving a animal in a home or apartment or anywhere and get away with. It's against the Law. They need to contact a shelter counselor. Or Fined and or arrested A Officer not following through to the Law taking action should also be arrested.
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    petitie tekenen
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