Support End to Cruel Angora Operations Abusive to Animals

  • van: Sue Lee
  • ontvanger: Chinese President Xi Jinping

There is still continual concern regarding the abuse of rabbits at the Angora Wool Farms and most of these facilities are centralized in China.  Several retailers rely on the import of these furs to stock their businesses, promoting the cruelty and abuse that has been found to occur to get these skins for production. Read more at

The information gathered by PETA is very disturbing but very real and although we have targeted some businesses to stop these practices, we feel that the real source of abuse occurs in the Angora wool farms.  It has been reported that screams can be heard from these poor animals when losing their long soft furs to produce sweaters and other accessories. 

Additionally, the fur from the rabbits are literally ripped right off of the animals, causing them great pain, discomfort and huge injuries.  This is something that is not common knowledge but many retailers have stopped using such Angora products in support of ending this abuse.  PETA representatives and other authorities have traveled to China to meet up with officials at these Angora farms unannounced and discovered what really occurs in the handling of the animals. Their findings confirmed that fur was ripped right off of live animals while they were all forced to live in horrendous conditions, despite allegations by workers that the rabbits live properly with veterinary care; all untrue.

Please help us in our efforts through this petition to ensure that these farms are governed by rules and regulations that requires veterinary care, humane treatment of the animals and healthy, clean conditions to live in.  You can help us by signing and sharing this petition, urging for the abuse of the Angora wool farms to cease.

Chinese President Xi Jinping – You need to do whatever it takes to stop the abuse at Angora wool farms throughout your country.  We need you to support the end to cruel angora operations abusive to animals in these farms.  Create laws that implements specific regulations and standards for humane treatment of the Angora rabbits, being treated in a humane manner, living in clean, healthy conditions, under special veterinary care on a regular basis.  In addition, some type of monitoring needs to be installed to ensure that everyone abides by the humane methods, regulations and standards set forth by you to ensure the safe and healthy handling of the animals at any of these farms.

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