Ban all Horse Competitions from the Olympics

  • van: Christiane Henker
  • ontvanger:,,,

In Saint Boy s Name  :   Saint Boy is the Horse who was hit at the Olympic Games in Tokyo from a german Pentathlon. This heartbreaking Photos goes around the World and raise concerns about Horses used for Entertainment. Surely IOC and DOSB will hope that humans forget about this . But we will not forget  Lets fight in Saint Boys Name to end Horse racing!

Modern Pentathlon banned Horse riding now, but will continue fighting until the IOC banned all Olympic Horse Disciplines!

Horses are not Entertainers. They are used  for  Horse racing,  dressage, endurance riding, eventing, reining, show jumping, tent pegging, modern Pentathlon.

Equestrian Eventing: The Olympics' Most Dangerous "Sport":
The cross country course design has become too challenging, They risk breaking the horses' necks or backs.

Animal welfare groups
criticised  horse sports with claims of animal cruelty.


For years, horses have been bred to run fast. As a result, thoroughbreds have oversized frames and undersized legs. They are so fragile that injuries are commonplace. Furthermore, inbreeding causes genetic defects among racehorses.

Horses are often made dependent on the drugs that their veterinarians and trainers provide. While the drugs may relieve symptoms such as bleeding and pain, they do not treat the underlying problems. Instead, they are used to keep horses who are too injured to race on the track.

Frequently Administered Drugs

  • Lasix  
  • Bute 
  • Steroids 

Horses are frequently made to race at the age of two. Since their bones have not fully developed at that point, injuries are common. In addition, many are raced so often that their joints and bones deteriorate. Steeple chasing is designed to make horses fall; this sometimes results in death or serious injury for which the animal is euthanized. 

Common Injuries

  • Exercise-Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage, i.e. blood in the horse's lungs and windpipe 
  • Lameness 
  • Knee fractures 
  • Ligament sprains 
  • Joint sprains 
  • Shin soreness 
  • Hairline fractures 

After Racing, horses are often

  • Killed for human consumption overseas 
  • Made into dog food 
  • Used to produce glue 
  • Murdered by their "owners" who then file fraudulent insurance claims. 

You Can Help

  • Do not patronize racetracks 
  • Distribute anti-horseracing information outside of racetracks 
  • Lobby against the construction of new racetracks 
  • Educate others about the cruelty involved in horseracing


We urge the International Olympic Commitee to ban all Horse competitions from the Olympic Games.

wonderful news: Modern Pentathlon ban Horse riding!

Please sign and share the Petition ! Thank you so much!
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Horses are not Entertainers. They are used in competitive sports including, but not limited to, dressage, endurance riding, eventing, reining, show jumping, tent pegging, vaulting, polo, horse racing, driving, and rodeo.

Equestrian Eventing: The Olympics’ Most Dangerous Sport:
he cross country course design has become too challenging,” says Dene Stanstall, the horse consultant for U.K. non-profit Animal Aid. “They risk breaking the horses’ necks or backs. "Stanstall says a more direct focus on horse safety is needed. 'There is a moral question here. Is it sport to put horses lives in danger?

Organized welfare groups
criticised some horse sports with claims of animal cruelty.

Horses begin training or are already racing when their skeletal systems are still growing and are unprepared to handle the pressures of running on a hard track at high speeds.5 Improved medical treatment and technological advancements have done little to remedy the plight of the racehorse. Between 700 and 800 racehorses are injured and die every year, with a national average of about two breakdowns for every 1,000 starts. Strained tendons or hairline fractures can be tough for veterinarians to diagnose, and the damage may go from minor to irreversible at the next race or workout. Horses do not handle surgery well, as they tend to be disoriented when coming out of anesthesia, and they may fight casts or slings, possibly causing further injury. Many are euthanized in order to save the owners further veterinary fees and other expenses for horses who will never race again.
I urge you to ban all Horse racing and olympic horse disciplines.


Horses are not Entertainers. They are used in competitive sports including, but not limited to, dressage, endurance riding, eventing, reining, show jumping, tent pegging, vaulting, polo, horse racing, driving, and rodeo.

Equestrian Eventing: The Olympics’ Most Dangerous Sport:
he cross country course design has become too challenging,” says Dene Stanstall, the horse consultant for U.K. non-profit Animal Aid. “They risk breaking the horses’ necks or backs. "Stanstall says a more direct focus on horse safety is needed. 'There is a moral question here. Is it sport to put horses lives in danger?

Organized welfare groups
criticised some horse sports with claims of animal cruelty.

Horse racing is a popular equestrian sport which is practiced in many nations around the world. It is inextricably associated with gambling, where in certain events, stakes can become very high. Despite its illegality in most competitions, these conditions of extreme competitiveness can lead to the use of performing-enhancing drugs and extreme training techniques, which can result in negative side effects for the horses' well-being. The races themselves have also proved dangerous to the horses – especially steeplechasing, which requires the horse to jump hurdles whilst galloping at full speed. This can result in injury or death to the horse, as well as the jockey. A study by animal welfare group Animal Aid revealed that approximately 375 racehorses die yearly, with 30% of these either during or as a result of injuries from a race. The report also highlighted the increasing frequency of race-related illnesses, including bleeding lungs (exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage) and gastric ulcers.

Animal rights groups are also primarily concerned that certain sports or training exercises may cause unnecessary pain or injuries to horse athletes. Some specific training or showing practices are so widely condemned that they have been made illegal at the national level and violations can incur criminal penalties. The most well-known is soring, a practice of applying a caustic ointment just above the hooves of a Tennessee Walking Horse to make it pick up its feet higher. However, in spite of a federal law in the United States prohibiting this practice and routine inspections of horse shows by inspectors from the United States Department of Agriculture, soring is still widespread and difficult to eliminate. Some events themselves are also considered so abusive that they are banned in many countries. Among these are horse-tripping, a sport where riders chase and rope a loose-running horse by its front legs, throwing it to the ground.

Secondary effects of racing have also recently been uncovered. A 2006 investigation by The Observer in the UK found that each year 6,000–10,000 horses are slaughtered for consumption abroad, a significant proportion of which are horses bred for racing. A boom in the number of foals bred has meant that there is not adequate resources to care for unwanted horses. Demand has increased for this massive breeding programme to be scaled back. Despite over 1000 foals being produced annually by the industry, 66% of those bred for such a purpose were never entered into a race, and despite a life expectancy of 30 years, many are killed before their fifth birthday.

We urge the International Olympic Commitee to ban all Horse competitions from the Olympic Games.
We urge the Governments to stop using Horses for Entertainment and Sports.


Update #22 jaar geleden
wonderful news: Modern pentathlon votes to ditch horse riding after Tokyo Olympic turmoil

Thank you so much for 55728 Signatures so far!
lets continue to fight until all Olympic Horse racing be banned !
Update #13 jaar geleden
A german Pentathlon hit a Horse at Olympic Games.
One more Example that Animals are not Entertainers and all Horse racing should be banned. Please continue to sign and share the Petition ! Thank you!
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