Demand Strong Enforcement of Mexico's Groundbreaking Animal Welfare Reforms

This week marked a historic victory for animal rights in Mexico. With President Claudia Sheinbaum's signing of constitutional reforms, Mexico has officially incorporated the welfare of animals into its constitution. With most countries having no mention of animals in their constitutions, this progressive move could pave the way for how animals are treated across the nation – potentially setting a global precedent for others to follow. However, history has shown that without concrete action, these groundbreaking laws can end up as mere symbolic gestures. We must make sure the government follows through on its constitutional promise to uphold animal welfare!

Sign the petition to demand the Mexican government meaningfully implement and enforce its commitment to protect animals!

The Mexican government must ensure these reforms are not just "pretty provisions," but are followed by stringent laws and policies that truly protect all animals from cruelty and exploitation. 

This includes developing comprehensive federal animal welfare legislation as mandated by the reforms, which should cover all animals – from farmed to companion species – and enforce strict regulations against their mistreatment.

The reforms also commit to include animal welfare in the country's educational curriculum. This needs to be more than just a line in the constitution – it should translate into real educational content that can cultivate compassion and change in future generations.

Sign this petition to urge the Mexican government to fully realize the potential of these constitutional reforms and create a truly humane society where the rights and welfare of all animals are a priority!

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