Disappearance of citizen of Turkmenistan, Farhad Meymankulyyev in Turkey

  • ontvanger: Consulate General of Turkey (Boston, Massachusetts, USA), Washington Turkish Embassy, Presidency of Migration Management (Turkey), Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkey

To the Consulate General of Turkey (Boston, Massachusetts, USA) , Washington Turkish embassy, Presidency of Migration Management(Turkey), Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkey

We, the citizens of Turkmenistan, submit this petition regarding the detainment of Farhad Meymankulyyev by the Turkish police on May 19, 2023.
Since that date, we have been in the dark about the whereabouts and fate of our fellow citizen Farhad Meymankulyyev. We implore you to provide us with a clear answer to the following question: Is Farhad Meymankulyyev still in Turkey or has he been deported back to Turkmenistan?

This issue is of significant concern to many citizens of Turkmenistan residing in Turkey as well as those living abroad. We seek your assistance in obtaining accurate information regarding the current location of Farhad Meymankulyyev, who has been an active youtube blogger. He has been vocal in his criticism of the government of Turkmenistan through his YouTube channel.

We express our deep worry about his well-being, as his political activities and open criticism of Turkmenistan government could subject him to severe punishment and torture if he is deported back to Turkmenistan.
This petition is accompanied by the signatures of numerous concerned citizens of Turkmenistan.

We kindly request a prompt response from your esteemed office, providing us with the clear and definitive answer regarding the current location of Farhad Meymankulyyev (Turkey or Turkmenistan), since, on May 19, 2023, he disappeared.

Yours sincerely,

Citizens of Turkmenistan

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