We don't want to bail out the banks.

The banks are private companies who pay themselves massive bonuses on top of the huge salaries they receive.  At the same time they are taking taxpayers money to pay off their debts.   None of the bankers have been prosecuted over the collapse of the financial industry even though it was caused by massive fraud.

Because of their criminal and irresponsible behaviour thousands of people have lost their homes, their jobs and their standard of living.  If these austerity measures continue thousands more people will join them.

Debt is being redistributed from the poor to the rich, its not fair, its not acceptable and we have had enough.  

We the undersigned want the policy of bailing out the banks to stop with immediate effect.  You are using our taxes without our approval or consent to prop up private business at the cost of the welfare of the vast majority of people in this country.

You were not elected to do what you want, you were elected to look after the best interest of the people.  Bailing the banks out is cis wrecking peoples lives, they are loosing their homes, their jobs, their savings.  The ppressure is causing family breakdown, sucicides and poverty.  Stop this now, let the banks fail.

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