Ask President Obama to decry cruelty
Today President Obama expressed his support for the Philadelphia Eagle's renewed contract with Michael Vick. Vick has expressed remorse for the shame brought on his family, but little regarding the cruelty suffered by the dogs, which were hung, drowned and electrocuted by Vick himself. His unbridled sadism toward his dogs was detailed in the law enforcement proceedings against him.
We are deeply saddened by Obama's public support for an individual who committed gruesome crime against those who are voiceless and who died uncounted.
We the undersigned are deeply saddened that you have chosen to make a hero out of Michael Vick, a man whose unbridled sadism included hanging, electrocuting, beating and drowning dogs. The number of dogs silenced forever by Vick will remain unknown.
Additionally, dog fighting is an organized crime that is closely tied to gang violence and drug and gun trafficking that victimize communities across the US.
We are shocked that Vick's past is so easily dismissed.
We are asking that you make a statement decrying all animal cruelty and dog fighting in particular, especially noting the effect that this type of violence has on communities across our nation.
Thank you for considering making a statement against cruelty.
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