No Big Wave Surf Contest for West Coast of South Australia

Mid West Coast Surfriders Association is based around the Eyre Peninsula of South Australia.  We are seeking your support as part of our wider community and wish for our voice to be heard.  We strongly oppose the development of any big wave/surf contest to be held on the West Coast and far west of the Eyre Peninsula.  We would like to ask for your support and to sign this petition.  Your time on this is greatly appreciated and would assist us in our challenge to gain momentum in our cause to stop any prospective surf contest here.

We are a respectful, passionate, truthful, harmonious and united for this cause and we need your support on this.

To all who can help by signing this petition,

Mid West Coast Surfriders Association is based around the Eyre Peninsula of South Australia.  We are seeking your support as part of our wider community and wish for our voice to be heard.  We strongly oppose the development of any big wave/surf contest to be held on the West Coast and far west of the Eyre Peninsula.  We would like to ask for your support and to sign this petition.  Your time on this is greatly appreciated and would assist us in our challenge to gain momentum in our cause to stop any prospective surf contest here.

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