Petition For Court Ordered DHS Records

  • van: C. Gill
  • ontvanger:            Families that have be falsely accused by DHS wrong doings

Note: There has been an alarming number of families, "including my own" that have been falsely accuse of crimes. OKDHS has many employess that will lie and have lied on people and paperwork to make it look as though they are doing their jobs as good employees, when  the fact of the matter is it's all about money and climbing there way up the perverbial "corporate ladder" with no regards to who and how they tear apart children, mothers, fathers,.... families.

With respect to the innocently accussed and anyone who knows how OKDHS can easliy get away with such falsifcation I am asking for as many signatures as possible to get a court order for the justice system to open up cases that some OKDHS employees have handled in the past and the here and now, to prove how this organization needs a major overhaul and to prove the innocents of the truely innocent.

Here are just two of hundereds of links that give examples of how OKDHS and some of their employees have done so much wrong:

Thank you for your love and support to protect families.

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