Say NO to former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler as the EPA administrator!

    Many people disliked the EPA under Scott Pruitt, but things could be much worse under Andrew Wheeler, here's why.

    -He is the vice president of the Washington coal club.
    -He believes that climate change is a "political worldview" rather than a scientific fact.
    -He lobbied to subsidize coal for a private energy company.
    -He is a critic of the greenhouse gas targets put fourth by the United Nations.

    Here is the bottom line, jobs are great, producing energy is great, but why have someone who believes in the least efficient, most polluting, and expensive way to produce energy? Why would anyone want him to be the administrator of the EPA, when clearly he has a bias and a liking to the petroleum industry? It has been shown that there have been more jobs created in the U.S. as a result of green energy, as opposed to coal, so why not go with the more innovative and lucrative alternative? Hmmm.

    We are at a time where if we do not begin to shift to increasingly efficient, sustainable and zero carbon energy, we may reach a tipping point. Climate change encompasses many different factors, human contribution is not the only cause, yes, however by writing off industrial pollution as a factor in climate change, it will enable natural factors of climate change to accelerate to a point of no return. Decreasing forest cover, less solar radiation being reflected due to melting glaciers, permafrost melting and releasing methane which is 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide in terms of it's warming effect; it's not going to be pretty.

    The question remains, even if you don't believe in climate change, even if this all means nothing to you, do you really want someone who lobbied to ease pollution restrictions for our streams, our soil and air, being the head of the EPA? Do you think he can keep our country clean? I don't think so, and his track record has everything to show for it, first he worked for the EPA in pollution prevention and right to know, then years later he works for private industry lobbying to throw those measures out, that doesn't show leadership, that shows special interest, he should not hold the highest public office of the EPA, period.
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