breeder and puppy licence scheme

As an expert pet care company we have contacted all councils in the UK as well as governing bodies and councillor's with our proposed pet breeder licensing scheme.

The Scheme would see all breeders registered on a national data base and all puppies would be registered at birth and given a unique dog national code that would remain with the dog throughout its entire life as we do as human individuals.

The scheme would see breeders both in professional capacity and home breeders take responsibility for the breeding of there dogs, log all puppies at birth and then register the puppies once ownership has changed from the breeder including the dogs microchip details, breeder code, puppy code, new owner details.

This would allow for responsible pet owners to choose the puppy they are seeking from a registered and compliant source. The scheme would allow the system to isolate hot spots and investigate the breeders in question who register many different breeds. This would tackle puppy farming head on something the government is not addressing.

The system would promote responsible pet ownership by allowing the pet owners to search a national record of registered breeders and puppies. This data base would also control and monitor all advertisements and discourage anyone from buying a puppy from an unregistered source.

The system would also allow any new pet owner to check whether the puppy has been registered at birth and also that the microchips that the breeder will be implanting are UK DEFRA compliant data chips. There are several national data bases that have UK compliant codes. any breeder using microchips purchased from eBay etc outside of this regulatory system would be identified immediately as none compliant breeder and will warn the proposed new puppy owner to report this to there local council or organisation regulating the system and not to purchase a puppy from a identified illegal un registered source.

Pet Identity UK.

Update #19 jaar geleden
after reports of increased puppy farming and un regulated puppy breeding please help us to lobby our campaign and give pets the rights they deserve.

The UK government has publicly states that animals are sentient beings. We need to voice there opinions, for the government and councils to listen and help make mans best friend heard..
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