
Driftnets are still killing our ocean mammals, such as sperm whales, dolphins, sea turtles, along with many types of sea birds, not to mention many species that may be considered endangered.

What's more, although the taking of anadromous fish, such as salmon, is banned, other species of fish, such as tuna, squid, swordfish, along with incidental catch, or by-catch, are still being permitted.

Request a world-wide BAN, not a moratorium, on high seas driftnets. Also ask that previous offenders be brought to justice and pay dearly for their crime. A strong fine, restitution, or compensation should be paid for the loss of our Ocean Life that has been severely damaged. Any offenders, in the future, should be dealt with severely and strongly encouraged to adopt sustainable fishing methods.

We the people of the United States and the world, understood it to be that high seas driftnets were banned from the international waters of our Oceans.

We did not understand it to be that only the taking of anadromous fish, such as salmon, was banned, while other species of fish, such as tuna, squid, swordfish, along with incidental catch, or by-catch, were still being permitted.

We the people did not know that driftnets are still killing our ocean mammals, such as sperm whales, dolphins, sea turtles, along with many types of sea birds, not to mention many species that may be considered endangered.

We the people urgently request a world-wide BAN, not moratorium, on high seas driftnets. We ask that previous offenders be brought to justice and pay dearly for their crime. A strong fine, restitution or compensation should be paid for the loss of our ocean life that has been severely damaged. Any offenders in the future should be dealt with severely and strongly encouraged to adopt sustainable fishing methods.

We the people demand that more stringent methods of enforcement, observation and research be made on our oceans to prevent high seas driftnets from recurring again.

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