Wisdom In Action

  • van: ctim
  • ontvanger: everyone

Introducing a charity - Chi Heng Foundation

Founded in 1998, the Chi Heng Foundation is a charity registered and based in Hong Kong with offices in Henan, Anhui, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. It is a non-government organization whose programs are funded by private donors, business, and partner NGOs.

“Chi Hengâ€Â means “wisdom in actionâ€Â, and at CHF we believe we must use our knowledge to help people in need. With this in mind, CHF moves from village to village throughout Central China offering help to all children affected by AIDS, thereby ensuring that no child is excluded and each child’s needs are fully understood.

CHF primarily focuses on paying for the children’s education and living expenses, making sure all funds are delivered directly to schools and programs by our staff. CHF does not operate orphanages or foster homes. Instead, local relatives often take in the children, allowing them to continue to grow up in their native villages. To further decrease their sense of social stigma and isolation, CHF places the children in schools that purposefully integrate the orphans with children not affected by HIV/AIDS. These efforts aim to give orphans a stronger sense of community and belonging.

CHF promises a long-term commitment to helping children not only complete their education but also receive dependable, comprehensive support.

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