Support BC Teachers / BCTF 2012

Faculty members, librarians, administrators, students, and staff in post-secondary institutions across British Columbia in support of teachers and the BCTF.  All bargaining units deserve a fair process of reaching a collective agreement.
We the undersigned, faculty members, librarians, administrators, students, and staff in post-secondary institutions across British Columbia, encourage you to improve your support of public education by recognizing the value of our teachers.  We encourage you to demonstrate this recognition by returning to the bargaining table with the BCTF with an open mind to meeting the teachers' very fair proposals.  This includes withdrawing Bill 22 legislation, which further erodes the teachers' right to bargain.  BCTF President Lambert argues that “the bill tabled on Tuesday [28 February] was a sign of the appalling disrespect for the profession of teaching, for students, and for public education in BC."  We agree.  

Please invest in education and labour by resolving this dispute at the bargaining table rather than through legislation.  The teachers deserve a fair process of reaching a collective agreement.  Thank you.
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