Stop the Proposed Vernon County CAFO

A.C.E.S. works to protect this beautiful area's farmland, water and air quality. The 3,200-head dairy CAFO proposed for scenic Vernon County will generate a vast amount of waste, threatening our ground and surface water. This CAFO has the capacity to displace ten or more family-sized farms. Other risks of CAFOs include pathogen loading, hydrogen sulfide from waste and pervasive odor. Petry Trust has identified two possible sites for this CAFO.  One is 1/3 mile south of the Westby city limits, across from the Country Coon Prairie Church. The other site is on the corner of Hwy 14 and Y, just 1.5 miles from Viroqua. The proposed CAFO sits at the top of the Bad Axe River watershed, the potential threat to Vernon County's pristine trout streams is evident.

We the undersigned accept your right to develop your property as you see fit. However, we also have a right to clean drinking water and air free of pathogens and noxious odors. The neighbors of your proposed dairy CAFO are rightly concerned for their property values, the air and water quality, and their children's health and safety. Please reconsider your plans and use the 4,900 acres you own in Vernon County to ensure not only your wealth, but our future.

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