Stop Super Wawa in Conshohocken

A Super Wawa is planned for Conshohocken on Fayette St. between 11th and 13th Avenues.  If you were at our October meeting, then you know that there is a strong opposition to this development among members of the community, and for good reason. This area of our town is filled with local athletic fields, schools and residential neighborhoods, and the Wawa will bring noisy commercial trucks to its proposed diesel fuel pumps and increased traffic that will not only be inconvenient, but dangerous to our children. If approved, the Super Wawa will threaten the foundation and livelihood of our community. Please join concerned residents, business owners, and friends of the community to stop this initiative and keep the culture and fiber of Conshohocken one that welcomes small businesses. Thanks in advance for your signature.

Dear Conshohocken Borough Council Members,

The Super Wawa that is planning to move into Conshohocken on Fayette St. between 11th and 13th avenues will undoubtedly bring chaos, congestion, the closing of local businesses, and threaten the foundation and livelihood of our community. In addition, this Super Wawa will bring:

- A major negative impact to the safety of our neighborhood
- Massive traffic congestion and snarled intersections to the North end of Conshohocken
- Increased loitering
- Strip mining of local businesses
- Blazing bright stadium lighting 24/7, 365 days a year
- The ceasing of fundraising efforts by local concession stands supporting the Conshy Bears and the Conshohocken Steelers
- A negative impact to the safety, health and well being of the community
- Violation of Conshohocken zoning codes
- Dangerous traffic through and around Conshohocken's local ball fields, schools and residential neighborhoods

We urge you to stop Super Wawa from moving into our community. Please help us preserve the quality of life here and save the businesses built over generations that have become an integral part of Conshohocken.

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