Stop South Korea's Torture of Dogs and Cats

  • van: Tessa L
  • ontvanger: Oh Se Hun of Seoul city hall

South Korea:
A country that purposely tortures millions of dogs each year for consumption. These dogs are purposely kept in the cruellest, most devastating conditions and are then purposely tortured to death.  They are tortured because many Koreans still ignorantly believe that the adrenalin released, due to the immense pain experienced during the torture, will help a mans sexual stamina or make "the meat taste better". A hype that was created and encouraged by the Korean government to keep their billion dollar business going.

Stop South Korea from legalizing dog meat.
April 2008.
 Due to the massive protests in South Korea concerning US beef, South Korean Officials grudgingly had to set aside the launching of dog meat. Now that the protests have subsided, Officials are "excited" to once again launch the legalization of dog meat.

Once dogs are categorized as livestock (beef, chicken) there will be no saying how the cruelty and tortures will be stopped as it is something that will be "handled" by the government.

The Korean government does not pay attention to the opinion of Koreans but gives more weight to the protests from overseas.

Investigator's quotes:

"The dogs are placed in rows to watch as each one is taken out and slowly tortured for prolonged periods, then killed. "

"the man slammed a butcher knife into the dogs penis, left him bleeding in horrible pain, and killed several waiting dogs before returning to finish the job"

"a German Shepard blinked his eye as the skinning began"

"the dogs shook pitifully. %u2026some painfully wrenching their heads through wires to lap at the dirty rain water outside their cages"

They have even made canned dog meat.

Lets make sure the next generation of animals never have to face this form of barbaric cruelty.

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Please send a letter expressing your outrage to Oh Se Hun; Mayor of Seoul. Ask him to stop the uncivilized tortures and the legalization of dog and cat meat.

Make sure your next car does not come from Korean Car Companies until the tortures end.

Torture will never sit well in this world.

The Petition Takes a Second to Sign

We the undersigned urg South Korea to stop it's uncivilized torture of dogs and cats for consumption.  

Only good can come from stopping this industry, while nothing good will result in allowing it to continue. The dog meat industry is against our national interest, it is against the promotion of a proper national sentiment and it is against the creation of a peaceful society.

Oh Se Han, I look to you with hope as I believe you are a wise leader. I am appealing to you for help and assistance to end the sad reality of the dog meat industry in Korea. Please exercise your influence to stop the legalization of this heinous practice, as it is seriously detrimental to Korea%u2019s advancement.

Thank you for your time and kind consideration.
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