Southern Ohio Forest Rally

  • van: S.O.F.R.
  • ontvanger: To use Tar Hollow and Scioto Trails Parks for a Southern Ohio Stage Rally

If you are interested in seeing a stage rally back in southern Ohio, please sign our petition. We are working on getting 500 signatures to forward on to the state so we can prove there is enthusiasm about stage rally in southern Ohio again.

We the undersigned are a group of people from all over the country even other countries that are very interested in seeing this event become a reality. With the large amount of support we've shown we hope to gain your approval to bring one of the fastest grown action sports into the Southern Ohio area. This event should provide local income for a wide variety of merchants and generate travel to our wonderful area, as well as fun for all ages. We strongly feel this event will be a huge success with the help of the ODNR. We would like thank you for taking the time to review all of the signatures and comments left by the wide range of signers. Please contact SOFR with any questions.

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