SAVE the "Fighting Comet"

This group, the students and alumni of the Coloma Fighting Comets, will remain dedicated and active, in restoring the great Fighting Comet Mascot.

Our Fighting Comet was designed, by our alumni classmate, Mike VanHorn of the class of 1980.  We remain united and support, in the efforts to restore the integrity of the design, that Mike so graciously gave us, that we cheered our teams on with, for so many years.

I say to those, who maliciously attacked and embarrassed the community, with the indecent unauthorized publication, and the improper use of this design a few years ago, causing some to change the mascot to a star.  We are here to defend, protect and save the "FIGHTING COMET" from further attacks.  If this should happen again, let's stand up for what is right, rather then back away from controversy and fear and create diversion mascots, as we are NOT the fighting stars!

When we find out who was responsible for this, we will make it known publicly.

The "Fighting Comets" will stand strong from this point forward.

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