Save 5000 wild Kimberley (Aust) horses being trucked 3000k to slaughter

  • van: Wild Horses Kimberley
  • ontvanger: of Minister Brendan Grylls,West Australia Department of Regional Development and Land
Please read - important information at end -
The government of West Australia has ordered the indigineous lease holders at Lake Gregory in the remote Kimberley region of West Australia to remove 5000 wild horses who have lived in the area for decades - descendents of horses used to settle the area.

Starting as soon as next week the horses, including mares in foal, will be rounded up, crammed into trucks, and sent 3000 kilometers across central Australia to South Australia for slaughter and the meat exported overseas for human consumption.

The government states the horses are causing environmental damage, and yet have not put into place any population control and are happy to leave the 5000 cattle, who also graze this huge tract of land ,in place.

A local group is willing to work to manage the population by trap, neuter and release and use of fertility drugs - a humane, long term solution. Please support this alternative to continued and repeated slughter in the name of population management.

NOTE: WA Government requires name and address for each petition signer. Therefore anonymous signatures will not 'count' It does not have to be a full address- street, town would be great - country is automatically added. Also read 'thank you' e-mail for where to send e-mail of protest - or go direct to

we really need these - they count more than a petition signature - suggest in letter that WA lead the way in humane population mgt - NOT CULLING by any means.   THANK YOU

We the undersigned petition that the order to round up, transport over 3000 kilometers, and send to slaughter some 5000 horses, including mares in-foal, living on the Tjurabalin Pastoral Lease at Lake Gregory be immediatly revoked.

To order the deaths of these horses on the basis of environmental damage, when your Department has taken no action over the years to instigate humane population control, is immoral and completely unacceptable. We also note that up to 5000 cattle graze this area.

Instead we ask that a program of trap, neuter, and release be undertaken, as recommended by the Wild Horse Kimberley group. This will provide long term population control by a humane and compassionate means. This is an opportunity for your governemtn to elad the way and showcase a better, long term and compassionat model of population management.

If we want our children to demonstrate the values of respect for life, compassion and care, we must demonstrate those qualities in our every action.

Rather than a perceived solution that inflicts fear, terror, pain and wholesale destruction and slaughter, we look forward to a considered and humane approach .

Our prayer is that compassion, care and consideration be demonstrated by our deeds and actions  -that life is seen as precious.

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