I AM REFERRING TO CIGARETTE & CIGAR BUTTS! BUTTS do NOT belong on the side of roads & highways. BUTTS do NOT belong on beaches or riverbeds. BUTTS do NOT belong on sidewalks or parking lots. BUTTS DO BELONG IN ASHTRAYS!!REMEMBER THOSE HANDY LITTLE DISHES JUST FOR YOUR BUTT???TELL YOUR FAMILY & FRIENDS WHERE TO PUT THEIR BUTTS TOO!. FROM NOW ON-if you toss a butt out of your car window, if you toss one on the sidewalk, or the beach, or the playground, or even your own front yard, remember that ONLY YOU HAVE CONTROL OVER WHERE YOUR BUTT ENDS UP. AND WHERE YOUR BUTT ENDS UP TELLS EVERYONE JUST HOW MUCH YOU DO OR DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYONE ELSE'S BUTT, but YOUR OWN!
petitie tekenenpetitie tekenen