Prosecute Teenagers Who Strangled Hens to Death

  • van: Animal Place
  • ontvanger: Contra Costa District Attorney's Office
On November 24, 2010, three teenage boys broke into El Monte Elementary School in Concord and savagely strangled two beloved hens, Linny and Maxine, being cared for by the 2nd grade class.

The three boys, ages 14 and 15, were arrested.

Engaging in such wanton cruelty towards defenseless animals is unacceptable and may lead to future abuse towards other nonhumans and humans as well.

Encourage the Contra Costa District Attorney's office to prosecute all three teenagers, as well as require they receive anger management and psychiatric therapy in an effort to prevent future violent crimes.
Dear District Attorney Robert Kochly

I am writing on behalf of two hens, Linny and Maxine, who were strangled to death at the El Monte Elementary School in Concord on November 24th by three teenage boys.

These hens suffered immensely and the crime against them and the school should not go unpunished.

Studies show violent criminals often start abusing animals before moving onto human beings. Ignoring such egregious abuse is not acceptable.

I urge you to prosecute all three teenage boys and require they undergo an extensive psychiatric evaluation and anger management therapy to prevent future acts of violence against both animals and humans.
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