Save Philadelphia's Animals

We, the Citizens for a No-Kill Philadelphia, believe that Philadelphia Animal Care and Control (PACCA) should maintain the animal control contract.  According to the ASPCA, Best Friends Animal Society and The Mayor's Alliance for NYC's Animals, cooperative partnerships are the best way to achieve substantial lifesaving.  Right now, all of Philadelphia's shelters cannot keep pace with the increasing numbers of homeless animals.  It runs counter to common sense to close the city's largest shelter (PACCA) which takes in 31,000 animals a year and has made significant strides in lifesaving in the last three years.  For the first time in Philadelphia history save rates are consistently over 60%.
With public support and cooperation from the City and other animal welfare organizations Philadelphia can be No-Kill.  We must not let the Philadelphia Health Department close Philadelphia Animal Care and Control.
We the undersigned believe�that Philadelphia Animal Care and Control (PACCA) should maintain the animal control contract. �According to the ASPCA, Best Friends Animal Society and The Mayor's Alliance for NYC's Animals, cooperative partnerships are the best way to achieve substantial lifesaving. �Right now, all of Philadelphia's shelters cannot keep pace with the increasing numbers of homeless animals. �It runs counter to common sense to close the city's largest shelter (PACCA) which takes in 31,000 animals a year and has made significant strides in lifesaving in the last three years. �For the first time in Philadelphia history save rates are�consistently�over 60%.

With public support and cooperation from the City and other animal welfare organizations Philadelphia can be No-Kill. �We must not let the Philadelphia Health Department close Philadelphia Animal Care and Control.

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petitie tekenen


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