Outlaw Bestiality Brothels in Germany

According to Madeleine Martin, a state animal protection official, animal sex abuse is on the rise in Germany, as bestiality brothels are being set up across the country. 

Currently, zoophilia--sexual abuse of animals--is not a crime in Germany, and sex with animals is increasingly seen as a lifestyle choice. The current legal situation makes it difficult for authorities to intervene; an animal must exhibit massive injuries before the current animal protection laws prescribe action.

The German government is considering revising its animal protection law, which was introduced in 1969. Act now to tell the German government to introduce a specific ban on zoophilia to protect animals from sexual abuse. 
We the undersigned urge you to revise the German animal protection law to introduce a specific ban on zoophilia to protect animals from sexual abuse.

According to Madeleine Martin, a state animal protection official, animal sex abuse is on the rise in Germany, as bestiality brothels are being set up across the country. 

Currently, zoophilia--sexual abuse of animals--is not a crime in Germany, and sex with animals is increasingly seen as a lifestyle choice. The current legal situation makes it difficult for authorities to intervene; an animal must exhibit massive injuries before the current animal protection laws prescribe action.

We therefore call on you to outlaw zoophilia completely in the reformed animal protection law. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
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