• van: ARPDA-International- ANIMCORD Citizens of the World
  • ontvanger: In the attention of the President of the County Council, the Director of the DSV County of Satu-Mare, ANSVSA , Mr. Ilyes Iuliu Mayor of  Satu-Mare and  Mr.Magor Attila - veterinarian 

Dear Sirs

We have become aware of the following : Veterinarian Magor Attila has killed over 1,000 dogs based on a law which is not in force anymore , at the orders of Mr. Mayor Ilyes Iuliu ...

(In urma aparitiei in ziarul Adevarul de Satu Mare a articolului "Satu Mare: 90% din maidanezi au fost eutanasiati" am contactat "medicul veterinar" al adapostului, Magor Attila, care mi-a confirmat ca a ucis cainii pentru ca "astea sunt dispozitiile primarului pentru ca ei nu au de ce si cu ce sa tina cainii in adapost".

Iosif Balogh, administratorul adapostului, spune ca eutanasiera se face legal.Legea spune ca, dacanu sunt adoptati, in termen de sapte zile,ii eutanasiem, asa spune legea 155/2001. Legea 205 de protectie a animalelor se refera la alte animale, nu la caini.  a declarat Iosif Balogh.Chiar si ilegea veche, din 2001, spune ca eutanasierea se face in prezenta reprezentantilor societatilor de protectie a animalelor, spune Lucretia Simu, de la"Free Life".

Administratorul adapostului spune ca din octombrie 2009 pana acum, peste 1.000 de patrupede au fost eutanasiate. Numai 26 de caini au fost adoptati, iar 40 au fost revendicati 

I personally consider the killing of over 1,000 dogs in one year a MASSACRE....and no responsible VETERINARIAN SHOULD DO THIS...under no circumstances and far less as the ORDER of the Mayor... 

I would like to remind you the EXISTING LAW for the protection of animals, which FORBIDS THE KILLING OF HEALTHY ANIMALS :

(Legea nr 9din 25.01.2008),Normele Metodologice :ORDIN nr. 31 din 31 martie 2008 (ANSVSA),523 din 30 iunie 2008 (MIRA),pentru aprobarea Normelor metodologice de aplicare a Legii nr. 205/2004, (EMITENT: AUTORITATEA NATIONALA SANITARA VETERINARA SI PENTRU SIGURANTA ALIMENTELOR ,Nr. 31 din 31 martie 2008 ; MINISTERUL INTERNELOR SI REFORMEI ADMINISTRATIVE,Nr. 523 din 30 iunie 2008 ;

PUBLICAT IN: MONITORUL OFICIAL nr. 511 din 8 iulie 2008])


I will also send this letter to the Romanian National Sanitary-Veterinary Authority, and also to the Romanian embassy in my country, because they way you treat animals in your country has become a SHAME for the entire EUROPE.

I recommend Mr. Magor to review the VETERINARIAN OATH...he took when he graduated...

You have forgotten that Romania has signed and ratified very important international treaties and conventions...YET WILLINGLY YOU continue to embarrass your country.

Please, STOP THIS ILLEGAL ACTIVITY OF KILLING DOGS immediately and take all the necessary measures to FIRE and bring to justice those who are guilty of these crimes. 

Until then I will make sure that all my friends around the world know how you treat animals and avoid visiting Romania.

You have brought shame on your country and the Romanian people and you should be held accountable for the bad reputation Romania got since the massacres of animals started....

Please be advised that I will also contact the media in my town and country




SUBJECT  : Les massacres des chiens dans votre ville


A l'attention du President Du Conseil Regional Satu-Mare, le Directeur de ls DSV Satu-Mare, ANSVSA, Mr. Ilyes Iuliu Mayor of  Satu-Mare and  Mr.Magor Attila - veterinarian 



Nous savons deja que Mr. Magor Attile a tue a peu pres 1000 chiens sur l'orde du maire de basant sur une lois dont quelques articles ne sont  plus en force en Roumanie, depuis 2008 quand la lois pour la protection animale a ete votee par le Parlement Roumain : 

((In urma aparitiei in ziarul Adevarul de Satu Mare a articolului "Satu Mare: 90% din maidanezi au fost eutanasiati" am contactat "medicul veterinar" al adapostului, Magor Attila, care mi-a confirmat ca a ucis cainii pentru ca "astea sunt dispozitiile primarului pentru ca ei nu au de ce si cu ce sa tina cainii in adapost".

Iosif Balogh, administratorul ad%u0103postului, spune %uFFFDns%u0103 c%u0103 eutanasiera se face legal. %u201ELegea spune c%u0103, dac%u0103 nu sunt adopta%u0163i, %uFFFDn termen de %u015Fapte zile, %uFFFDi eutanasiem, a%u015Fa spune legea 155/2001. Legea 205 de protec%u0163ie a animalelor se refer%u0103 la alte animale, nu la c%uFFFDini. Iar ascia%u0163iile acestea cu protec%u0163ia animalelor s%u0103 vin%u0103 c%uFFFDnd este program cu publicul%u201C, a declarat Iosif Balogh. %u201EP%uFFFDn%u0103 %u015Fi legea veche, din 2001, spune c%u0103 eutanasierea se face %uFFFDn prezen%u0163a reprezentan%u0163ilor societ%u0103%u0163ilor de protec%u0163ie a animalelor%u201C, spune Lucre%u0163ia Simu, de la %u201EFree Life%u201C.

Administratorul ad%u0103postului spune c%u0103 din octombrie 2009 p%uFFFDn%u0103 acum, peste 1.000 de patrupede au fost eutanasiate. Numai 26 de c%uFFFDini au fost adopta%u0163i, iar 40 au fost revendica%u0163i de st%u0103p%uFFFDni.")

Personnellement je considere cette action UN MASSACRE...aucun veterinaire n'a le droit de tuer illegalemtn des animaux, et encore moins sur l'ordre du maire de sa ville...

Je voudrais vous rappeler la loiw pour la protection animale de votre pays :  (Legea nr 9din 25.01.2008),Normele Metodologice :ORDIN nr. 31 din 31 martie 2008 (ANSVSA),523 din 30 iunie 2008 (MIRA),pentru aprobarea Normelor metodologice de aplicare a Legii nr. 205/2004, (EMITENT: AUTORITATEA NA%u0162IONAL%u0102 SANITAR%u0102 VETERINAR%u0102 %u015EI PENTRU SIGURAN%u0162A ALIMENTELOR ,Nr. 31 din 31 martie 2008 ; MINISTERUL INTERNELOR %u015EI REFORMEI ADMINISTRATIVE,Nr. 523 din 30 iunie 2008 ;

PUBLICAT %uFFFDN: MONITORUL OFICIAL nr. 511 din 8 iulie 2008])

J'enverai des lettres de protest aussi a l.ambassade de Roumanie et aux journaux de ma ville.Ce qui se passe en Roumanie avec les animaux est devenu UNE HONTE pour toute l'Europe.

Je recommendarais a Mr. Magor de revoir le veux qu'il a donne pour obtenir son diplome...

Il parrait que vous avez completemen oublie les conventions et les traites internationaux signes et ratifies par la Roumanie. Vous continuez a violer les lois de votre propre pays, vous continuez a ignorer les obligations que vous avez en tant que pays de l"union Europeen , vous continuez a massacres les chiens illegalement...

Veuillez demarer toutes les investigations possibles dans ces activites criminelles et punnissez les couples. 

Je suis completement horifie par ces attrocites et je vais informer tous mais amis et leur demander de ne pas visiter la Roumanie jusqu'a ce que la Lois pour la protection animale est VRAIMENT mise en place dans votre pays et les MASSACRES s'arretent definitivement.



Dear Sirs

We have become aware of the following : Veterinarian Magor Attila has killed over 1,000 dogs based on a law which is not in force anymore , at the orders of Mr. Mayor Ilyes Iuliu ...

(In urma aparitiei in ziarul Adevarul de Satu Mare a articolului "Satu Mare: 90% din maidanezi au fost eutanasiati" am contactat "medicul veterinar" al adapostului, Magor Attila, care mi-a confirmat ca a ucis cainii pentru ca "astea sunt dispozitiile primarului pentru ca ei nu au de ce si cu ce sa tina cainii in adapost".

Iosif Balogh, administratorul ad%u0103postului, spune %uFFFDns%u0103 c%u0103 eutanasiera se face legal. %u201ELegea spune c%u0103, dac%u0103 nu sunt adopta%u0163i, %uFFFDn termen de %u015Fapte zile, %uFFFDi eutanasiem, a%u015Fa spune legea 155/2001. Legea 205 de protec%u0163ie a animalelor se refer%u0103 la alte animale, nu la c%uFFFDini. Iar ascia%u0163iile acestea cu protec%u0163ia animalelor s%u0103 vin%u0103 c%uFFFDnd este program cu publicul%u201C, a declarat Iosif Balogh. %u201EP%uFFFDn%u0103 %u015Fi legea veche, din 2001, spune c%u0103 eutanasierea se face %uFFFDn prezen%u0163a reprezentan%u0163ilor societ%u0103%u0163ilor de protec%u0163ie a animalelor%u201C, spune Lucre%u0163ia Simu, de la %u201EFree Life%u201C.

Administratorul ad%u0103postului spune c%u0103 din octombrie 2009 p%uFFFDn%u0103 acum, peste 1.000 de patrupede au fost eutanasiate. Numai 26 de c%uFFFDini au fost adopta%u0163i, iar 40 au fost revendica%u0163i de st%u0103p%uFFFDni.")

I personally consider the killing of over 1,000 dogs in one year a MASSACRE....and no responsible VETERINARIAN SHOULD DO THIS...under no circumstances and far less as the ORDER of the Mayor... 

I would like to remind you the EXISTING LAW for the protection of animals, which FORBIDS THE KILLING OF HEALTHY ANIMALS :

(Legea nr 9din 25.01.2008),Normele Metodologice :ORDIN nr. 31 din 31 martie 2008 (ANSVSA),523 din 30 iunie 2008 (MIRA),pentru aprobarea Normelor metodologice de aplicare a Legii nr. 205/2004, (EMITENT: AUTORITATEA NA%u0162IONAL%u0102 SANITAR%u0102 VETERINAR%u0102 %u015EI PENTRU SIGURAN%u0162A ALIMENTELOR ,Nr. 31 din 31 martie 2008 ; MINISTERUL INTERNELOR %u015EI REFORMEI ADMINISTRATIVE,Nr. 523 din 30 iunie 2008 ;

PUBLICAT %uFFFDN: MONITORUL OFICIAL nr. 511 din 8 iulie 2008])


I will also send this letter to the Romanian National Sanitary-Veterinary Authority, and also to the Romanian embassy in my country, because they way you treat animals in your country has become a SHAME for the entire EUROPE.

I recommend Mr. Magor to review the VETERINARIAN OATH...he took when he graduated...

You have forgotten that Romania has signed and ratified very important international treaties and conventions...YET WILLINGLY YOU continue to embarrass your country.

Please, STOP THIS ILLEGAL ACTIVITY OF KILLING DOGS immediately and take all the necessary measures to FIRE and bring to justice those who are guilty of these crimes. 

Until then I will make sure that all my friends around the world know how you treat animals and avoid visiting Romania.

You have brought shame on your country and the Romanian people and you should be held accountable for the bad reputation Romania got since the massacres of animals started....

Please be advised that I will also contact the media in my town and country


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petitie tekenen


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